The more lists that I looked at, Gelateria del Teatro was the only Gelato shop that I was familar with that was highly recomended by TripAdvisor users. Frigidarium and Grom have high ratings, yet never made the “Best Gelato in Rome” list or “Roman Culture To Do” list.
The more I read the more I discovered that the creativeness in Gelato flavors is an upcoming fad, rather than a tradition. Many of the Gelato flavors such as Fragola, Limone, and Ciaccolato have been around since the creation of the frozen dessert. In recent years, (mentioned in the Gelateria del Teatro) the art of Gelato has become more of a creative experience.
“Romans (and Italians) are very discerning when it comes to gelato. New gelaterie come on the scene regularly, and the current trend is for creative new flavour combinations you'll be hard-pressed to find anywhere else.” - Trip Advisor
Not only to impress tourists, the experimentation of flavors have given Gelaterias like Del Teatro a famous name in Rome. Flavors that cannot be duplicated and are new to our taste buds create a new experience to traditional gelato eating. Many store owners take pride in their Gelateria’s and intend on putting their own signature on their product, what better way than to create their own flavors? After being in Italy for almost four months, I realize the creative palletes that Italians are born with. It is mind-boggling to me that Stefero (owner of Del Teatro) would think to mix a flavor like sage into Gelato. It seems to be that currently, without a creative spin on a shops flavors, they cannot compete with other Gelateria’s. Stefero mentioned after the interview that experimenting with flavors can be a frustrating experience. So hopeful that a flavor will be delicious, the disappoint of a funky taste can cause a lot of frustration during the experimenting process. Stefero said that after a couple of hours it is easy to throw a couple flavors together, and just hope for the best. The strangest flavor that was surprising delicious (according to him) was Pumpkin and Coffee gelato...(yes mixed together).
Here are two examples of the reviews that Del Teatro were given in TripAdvisor:
Best Gelato in Rome List:
“Gelateria del Teatro - Via di San Simone, 70, just off the pedestrianised via dei Coronari, between piazza Navona and the lungotevere Marzio. This new-ish place is agelateria artigianale, using carefully sourced ingredients including almonds from Bari and pistachios from Sicily. The picturesque antiques-district location offers outdoor seating in a tiny alley; the gelato itself is heavenly and includes several flavoUrs of chocolate ranging from "al latte" (milk) to "puro" - reputedly 70% chocolate. Other choices include cassata and tiramisù flavours plus caramel-pear and ricotta-fig-almond.”
“Gelateria del Teatro was amazing I had the zuppa inglese (trifle) flavour which tasted like custard with strawberry jam through it and pieces of chocolate sponge - heaven!
-- LilyBanter Oct 16, 2011 3:47 PM”
Trip Advisor also concluded on the importance that Gelato is a portable snack.
Roman Culture-
“A simple "passeggiata" (a stroll/walk), is something special there. You can fill your eyes and heart with the beauty while strolling around and eating a gelato.”

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